Thursday, December 3, 2020

Mug of the Month - Martha's Vineyard Center for the Visual Arts (MVCVA)

Here is a mug from the Martha's Vineyard Center for the Visual Arts - we got this when the gallery wats at the site of what is now the home of the gallery of Allison Shaw.  Great handmade mug.  

Here is a link to their history:

Monday, November 2, 2020

Mug of the Month - Antique Power Show - Excelsior Henderson

It is sad to miss so many of the fall traditions - like the Antique Power Show which was usually in October - so many talented mechanics and collectors - here is a classic mug with the Excelsior Henderson motorcycle.


Here is a link to their facebook page - let's hope we all get back to seeing the museum in 2021:

Friday, October 2, 2020

Mug of the Month - Island Inn


Located in back of Noman's in Oak Bluffs (formerly Lola's) this long-standing property is a good rental choice with lots of amenities and great close-to-beach location.  Check out the options:

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Mug of the Month Hy-line Cruises

 We can't get to the island and back without our ferry and air services - this month the mug is from Hy-line a family owned service that has been with us for years.  Get more info about Hy-line here:

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Mug of the Month - Vineyard Gourmet

Does anyone remember Vineyard Gourmet - long gone but fondly remembered.  Hope we do not lose too many other great places this year.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Mug of the Month - the Charlotte Inn

Long history in Edgartown, this classic inn remains to this day.  Check it out and see the beautiful mug:

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Mug of the Month - MV Veterinary Clinic

In this time, pets can help - here is a mug from the Vineyard Veterinary Clinic - not sure if they are still in business.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Mug of the Month - Antique Power Show - Indian Motorcycle

 One of the best places for mug collecting is the antique power show - here is the Indian motorcycle mug.

Hope we are able to share the enthusiasm for all things steam this year.

You might have to arrange a private tour of the museum - here is the information:

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mug of the month - Orange Peel Bakery

The museum remains closed to the public during this crisis - but we can still enjoy mugs virtually.  Here is one from a favorite bakery - orange peel.  Let's hope we can enjoy some tasty pizza and rolls very soon!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Mug of the Month - West Tisbury Celebrates 100 Years

Here is a classic from the West Tisbury centennial - 1892 to 1992.  It is the youngest town on the island but still going strong at 127!  Here is a link to some of the town's history:

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Mug of the Month - Cape Air

Cape Air - "We-re your wings" - long time service to the vineyard from Boston and the Cape!
Great mug. 

Link to flights:

Cape Air

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Mug of the Month - MV Museum

The new (restored?) MV Museum is so fabulous.  The views are not to be missed.  Also they have a great mug!  Free on Tuesday evening and you can get passes from the library to visit.  See the current exhibits at: